Good Afternoon Pocasset Families,

I hope you had a wonderful vacation! Here’s a few items and a brief schedule for this upcoming week:

Wednesday April 19 and Thursday April 20: RICAS grades 3 and 4 - families received a letter today with details

Thursday April 20: 3:45 pm PTO Meeting OUTSIDE at our playground

Friday April 21: Wear PURPLE in honor of U.S. Military Families Month (more details below)

  1. Wear PURPLE Friday: We at Pocasset are celebrating U.S. Military Families Month by wearing purple on Friday. Purple is the official color of U.S. Military Families. We are very fortunate to have quite a few military families in our school community, and would like to thank them for their sacrifice and for protecting our country.

  2. Morning Drop Off - WALKERS Edition: If you are dropping off your child in the morning, please watch your child carefully. Some children are playing very roughly while waiting in the morning, and I’m worried about potential safety issues with so many cars around. Thank you for helping us with this.

  3. Summer Activities: The Tiverton Recreation has posted it’s summer rec schedule and camps on their website. Please visit for more information.

  4. NAMI-RI: Family-to Family Course: The Rhode Island chapter of the National Alliance on Mental Illness is now accepting registration for our next virtual Family-to-Family course which begins Wednesday, April 26, 2023. This is a free, 8-session educational program for family, significant others and friends of people with mental health conditions. It is a designated evidenced-based program, which means that research shows that the program significantly improves the coping and problem-solving abilities of the people closest to a person with a mental health condition. NAMI-Rhode Island's Family-to-Family course is taught by trained family members who have lived experience with a loved one, and includes presentations, discussions and interactive activities.

For more information on the Family-to-Family course and to register, visit or call 401-331-3060 or email

I hope everyone has a wonderful week!


Dr. Suzette Wordell, Principal